Selective arterial embolization of symptomatic and asymptomatic renal angiomyolipomas: a retrospective study of safety, outcomes and tumor size reduction. En savoir plus sur Selective arterial embolization of symptomatic and asymptomatic renal angiomyolipomas: a retrospective study of safety, outcomes and tumor size reduction.
Cystocele and functional anatomy of the pelvic floor: review and update of the various theories. En savoir plus sur Cystocele and functional anatomy of the pelvic floor: review and update of the various theories.
Transvaginal treatment of anterior or central urogenital prolapse using six tension-free straps and light mesh. En savoir plus sur Transvaginal treatment of anterior or central urogenital prolapse using six tension-free straps and light mesh.
[Botulinium toxin and idiopathic overactive bladder: Multicentric contempory management in Bourgogne]. En savoir plus sur [Botulinium toxin and idiopathic overactive bladder: Multicentric contempory management in Bourgogne].
Retrospective study on the management and follow-up of 18 patients with a mid-urethral sling penetrating the urethra or bladder. En savoir plus sur Retrospective study on the management and follow-up of 18 patients with a mid-urethral sling penetrating the urethra or bladder.
Anterior and middle pelvic organ prolapse repair using a six tension-free strap low weight transvaginal mesh: long-term retrospective monocentric study of 311 patients. En savoir plus sur Anterior and middle pelvic organ prolapse repair using a six tension-free strap low weight transvaginal mesh: long-term retrospective monocentric study of 311 patients.
What transvaginal meshes (TVM) surgery tells us about conflicts of interest. En savoir plus sur What transvaginal meshes (TVM) surgery tells us about conflicts of interest.
Plicature bilatérale des muscles pubo-rectaux (PPR) : un nouveau concept chirurgical pour la prise en charge des béances vulvaires. En savoir plus sur Plicature bilatérale des muscles pubo-rectaux (PPR) : un nouveau concept chirurgical pour la prise en charge des béances vulvaires.